Tag: Black Sherif - Ade Akye

Livi Jacobs Blends Edgy EDM With Soulful Narratives In Her Latest Hit “Better That Way”

Livi Jacobs is the name that everyone knows as the heartbeat of modern pop music. She has recently released a new song called "Better That Way," which is a great example of how honest current music can be. Vienna, Austria, is a place with a lot of cultures where Livi was born and raised. When she was 10 years old, she wrote her first song. Since then,...

Amerado – Yeete Nsem Episode 22

Amerado - Yeete Nsem Episode 22 With 21 successful editions of his creative rap news done, Amerado teams up with four other hosts for episode 22 of his weekly Yeete Nsem. Sharing the host title are Bogo Blay(Vodafone Icons winner), Kweku Darlington(Past TV3 Mentor contestant), Bla Blight and Yazzi Sangari(GhOne Presenter). This weekly series has become one of the country’s interests every Friday and as usual, Amerado...

Black Sherif – Ade Akye (Official Video)

Black Sherif - Ade Akye (Official Video) After a successful release of Money, Black Sherif is here again with "Ade Akye" shot and directed by...