Mia Mormino's music has an immediate impact and a power that is unlike anything else in the pop scene.
You can find the tenacious spirit that sings songs of self-empowerment at the core of this beating heart. That's also where the ability is. On her way to loving herself, Mia has had both hard times and happy times, which gives her a truly captivating sincerity....
Maria Hubbel of Rochester, New York is one such shining light; she is a talented singer, songwriter, and composer who is creating an entrancing symphony with her strongly expressive voice and flair for writing memorable pop compositions.
Some musicians stand out from the rest of the musical galaxy because their distinctive sound has the power to grab listeners and leave them wanting more.
Maria may be...
Arashk Azizi, a contemporary composer, navigates the profound depths of human emotion with his signature "Piano Poem" style. His latest release, "Elegy Sonata," is...