Tag: Appel Manqué by JDL

MARIAA SIGA Pays Tribute To Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba In New Song “Mame Bamba”

It's outstanding to honor those who have made significant contributions to society. Great people ought to be honored in every way possible. The motivation behind Mariaa Siga's "Mame Bamba" tribute to Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba is obvious, but there are other reasons for the song's existence as well. Poet, brave resistance fighter, and nonviolent theist Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba founded the Mouridist and Touba movements. That aspect of...

“Keep Your Head Up” With Pat Burgener’s New Single

You have to keep working toward your goals, even if it seems like there is no hope and the world is ending around you and that's what the Olympic snowboarder and singer-songwriter teaches you. Pat Burgener's latest tune is a dedication to staying the course for what you believe in. The song titled "Keep Your Head Up" is an inspiring creation. The quality of the track's...

JDL’s “Appel Manqué” Is A Soulful Critique Of Digital Distraction

JDL Music, the dynamic duo that began their journey post-COVID in 2020, has released a compelling new single, "Appel Manqué." This track, translating to “Missed...