Tag: Apex4X releases The Fire Within

Dan Angelo Speaks To His “Secret Lover” In New Seductive Song

If you're seeking that one-of-a-kind song to play for that particular someone in your life, Dan Angelo has made your life a lot simpler by providing you with this song. The new tune "Secret Lover" has a strong connection to the listener on a spiritual level. It awakens fresh feelings and sensations inside of you, which in turn refreshes you. Because of the beautiful vocals that...

Mattan ft. AJ Musique – Forever (Official Video)

Mattan ft. AJ Musique - Forever (Official Video) German rap artist Mattan has teamed up with Ghanaian singer AJ Musique to write a letter to his unborn child in the form of the song “Forever” (Grund genug). The song is full of valuable advice, wishes, and promises for the child’s future. Every verse speaks of the great expectations and love for the child and her mum....

Apex4X: Feeling the Burn? ‘The Fire Within’ Album Ignites!

Apex4X. Right, let's dive in. "The Fire Within", an album with thirteen tracks; feels like peering into someone's journal, but one that's written in...