Tag: Apex4X musical artist

“Graves,” Hamilton Hound: Not Your Final Resting Place (For Listening)

Hamilton Hound's "Graves" isn't something you just hear, it sort of happens to you, like finding a forgotten photograph in an old book. Ian Hamilton, this voice navigating the echoes of a working-class upbringing, doesn't sing so much as share secrets whispered over a chipped mug of tea. Liz Arcane’s voice weaves in like a contrasting thread, adding a subtle but important texture. It’s...

Om Shira & The Exile Orchestra’s ‘Heal’ – A Multicultural Musical Journey

"Heal," Om Shira's Latest Offering, is an Emotional Elixir, Fusing Diverse Influences into a Resounding Call for Healing and Connection. Om Shira, formerly known as Mr Shirazy, is no stranger to musical transformation. At the helm of his ensemble, the Exile Orchestra, Shira has embarked on an explorative journey, his music reflecting the rich tapestry of experiences he encountered while travelling. Shira's sojourn in the Iranian...

Apex4X: Feeling the Burn? ‘The Fire Within’ Album Ignites!

Apex4X. Right, let's dive in. "The Fire Within", an album with thirteen tracks; feels like peering into someone's journal, but one that's written in...