Tag: Annie Liang Releases Pop Anthem "Lonely Person"

Owen Young’s “Three” EP: A Trio of Truths You’ll Ponder Thrice.

Owen Young’s “Three” EP is like finding a worn, familiar photograph in an old box, only to discover the person in the picture is wearing a lampshade. It’s deeply personal, yet jarringly relevant to the world spinning outside my window. We are dealing with themes of impermanence, the kind that makes you check if the stove is off, twice, every time. You can tell...

Amerado Drops ‘The Hardest’ A Dynamic Visual Ode To Rap

2023 VGMA's Best Rapper, Amerado, Unleashes Vibrant Video Masterpiece, 'The Hardest'. Within the landscape of music, each artist's journey brings a new, distinctive rhythm to the melody of the industry. As the 2023 VGMA's Best Rapper, Amerado has paved his path with potent lyricism and dynamic delivery. And now, with the release of his highly anticipated video for the track "The Hardest," he has given his...

Annie Liang Releases Pop Anthem “Lonely Person”

New York's Rising Star Annie Liang Mixes Dance Beats with Soul-Searching Lyrics in Latest Single "Lonely Person," The New York-based pop sensation Annie Liang has...