Tag: Annie Liang releases Lonely Person

Songstress Shawna Blends Rap And Urban Pop To Navigate Emotional Landscapes

Shawna, a 25-year-old Franco-Swiss singer-songwriter, is redefining the contours of urban pop and rap with her darkly sensual and introspective music. Standing at the crossroads of vulnerability and strength, Shawna's music is a candid exploration of her deepest anxieties, loves, and childhood dreams, all underpinned by a burning desire to break free from conventional musical boundaries. Her voice, a unique blend of softness and fragility, resonates...

Andy E. McGuire Sings His Heart Out To “All Mighty God”

Those individuals who are yearning for a spiritual shock to revive their faith and walk with God are the target audience for this gospel song that was written by Andy E. McGuire. "All Mighty God" is the name of the 5-track EP that contains his most recent song. Furthermore, he added an intriguing music video for your viewing pleasure. A moving tribute to the artiste's mother,...

Annie Liang Releases Pop Anthem “Lonely Person”

New York's Rising Star Annie Liang Mixes Dance Beats with Soul-Searching Lyrics in Latest Single "Lonely Person," The New York-based pop sensation Annie Liang has...