Tag: Amerado - Yeete Nsem Episode 15.

Cullen Jack Needs “Space and Time” In New Acoustic Song

With the passage of time, it becomes increasingly important to have quiet time and space in which to process complex ideas. You must honor that under any circumstances. Having said that, Cullen Jack is hoping that things will get back to normal and that he will be fine even if you don't end up going. He sings about this and other related issues in his new...

Reggie – GENG GENG ft City Boy, JayBahd, Okenneth & Sean Lifer (Official Video)

Reggie - GENG GENG ft City Boy, JayBahd, Okenneth & Sean Lifer (Official Video) The Kumerican boys are here again and it is Reggie with "Geng Geng" and he recruits City Boy, Jay Bahd, O'Kenneth and Sean Liefer on this one. Watch the Yaw Phanta directed video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsCKfqG6T48

Amerado – Yeete Nsem Episode 15

Amerado - Yeete Nsem Episode 15 After raking up 14 successful editions of his creative newscasting rap freestyles, Amerado has dropped Episode 15 of Yeete...