Tag: 3 from Alba

Ronna Riva Unleashes Her Latest Single ‘Follow’

Romanian singer, songwriter, and composer Ronna Riva is from the country of Romania. She is one of those artists who is dead set on proving to the world that she deserves to be recognized for her talent. https://soundcloud.com/ronnariva The waves of the Black Sea gently lap up against the coast of Constanta, Romania, a city that has a rich history to its name. It is also...

Emily Nicole Green’s “Thief” Steals Our Hearts

If you want to experience the raw depths of human feeling, listen to "Thief" by Emily Nicole Green. This is the song for anyone who has experienced the sting of rejection, the difficulty of reconciling life's contradictory realities, or the emptiness of longing for someone who is no longer in one's life. Emily, a bright light in the midst of New York City's hustle and bustle,...

Alba’s “3”: A Musical Mélange Of Culture And Emotion

In the eclectic world of music, Alba, a Franco-Mexican artist, emerges as a treasure trove of creativity and expression. Her latest album, “3,” is not...