Strumming the Strings of Reminiscence, Kendall Bowser Bares Her Heart on Her Latest EP, “Sober Truths”.
Melodic echoes of loss and longing have found a new voice in Kendall Bowser, a sensitive and introspective songwriter, who breathes life into the universal experience of yearning for “the one that got away” in her latest EP, “Sober Truths.”
With the lead single “Got Away,” Bowser doesn’t just expose her vulnerabilities but also offers a sonic sanctuary for the emotionally bruised.
The alchemy of Bowser’s work lies in her lyrical sincerity. She threads together poignant narratives, imbuing them with a melancholic richness that remains long after the final notes have faded.
With “Got Away,” Bowser walks us through the emotional labyrinth that follows the end of a relationship, guiding us through the bitter truth of separation and the echoing silence of a once-shared world.
Inspired by a breakup that left a lasting imprint on her life, Bowser’s “Got Away” is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It unravels the intricate layers of heartbreak, the impact of the elusive “what ifs,” and the unceremonious reality of how often it is we who let our significant others slip away from our lives.
It’s a deftly crafted ballad that turns the clichéd phrase “got away” on its head, imbuing it with a fresh, raw resonance.
A captivating blend of folk and pop, Bowser’s musical style is both therapeutic and cathartic. Her gentle strumming and melodious voice is a siren’s call to those with unhealed scars, offering understanding and empathy.
The intention is clear: Bowser wishes to create an empathetic space where those who love deeply—and consequently hurt profoundly—are seen, understood, and appreciated.
“Got Away” is not just a song—it’s an intimate exploration of human emotions, a reflection of Bowser’s own journey from heartache to acceptance. She lays bare her anguish, processing her pain through her art, thereby extending an empathetic hand to those navigating their personal storms.
It’s not often we encounter music that soothes as it confronts, comforts as it agitates, and heals as it exposes old wounds, but Bowser has achieved just that.
As we eagerly anticipate the release of the full “Sober Truths” EP, there’s a sense that Bowser has much more of her heart to share. Her brave decision to use her music as a platform for sharing repressed emotions promises a listening experience that will connect, resonate, and hopefully, inspire others to find comfort in their discomfort.
So, as Kendall Bowser strums her way into the deepest crevices of our hearts with “Got Away,” let’s remember—it’s not just about the heartbreaks and the goodbyes.
It’s also about the courage to voice our deepest feelings, the resilience to face our losses, and the strength to love, lose, and still continue to live, one heartfelt note at a time.

How long have you been making music and what attracted you to it?
My parents put me in singing lessons when I was 5 years old which led to piano lessons, guitar lessons and more advanced music practices. While I’ve always envisioned myself being a singer with the stage and lights, I wouldn’t say that I really chose the life of music. I feel as though it’s just inside of me and it somehow chose me.
What were your first project and the people you worked with and which year?
My previous project that came out in 2021 consisted of 3 EPs, each with 3 songs. Each part represented a different “part” of my life and I think that showed up through not just the story, but through the differences in production style.
I’m really proud of that project and think it helped set me up well for this project. I had a handful of amazing co-writers and producer/mixing engineer, Jared Atol. Jared is the producer/mixing engineer on this current project as well and I am so grateful for him and his work.
Who or what inspires you or motivates you? And why?
My life, experiences, people, all of it inspires me. I’m a big believer that life is better with people around and that’s what I love about life. Living and really experiencing things with people – it doesn’t get much better than that.
What are your friends and parents’ thoughts on your career in singing?
My parents have been some of the most supportive people in my music career. They’re the reason I started singing and taking music lessons. I’m grateful that even if they don’t fully understand, they support me in what I do. I truly couldn’t have asked for better parents in this aspect.
What are some of the challenges you face in your career path?
It’s really hard to keep going sometimes. Put all the extra noise to the side and just listen to yourself. This world is full of people that aren’t going to get it, and that’s okay. I’ve had to learn that my inner voice is the path that I need to follow, and I’m gonna keep following it.
Do you have any advice for aspiring songwriters?
Just do it. Be open to listening to other’s perspectives and ideas and learn when to voice yours just a little bit louder. There are seasons in music, just like there are seasons in the years – flow with them. Don’t be hard on yourself when you get down, next week will be better.
What is your current project about?
My current project, Sober Truths, is about a breakup. It encapsulates the grief, resentment, realization and acceptance through it all.
What does this song “Got Away” mean to you?
This song came about in the aftermath of a breakup. There was this weird phenomenon that I realized during the time after my own breakup that a lot of people seem to have “the one that got away.”
At this point in my process I realized that I hated the idea that someone “got away” because most of the time they didn’t get away, the other person either pushed them away or merely just let them go – hence came my song “Got Away”.
This single is the epitome of this idea and gets into the nitty gritty of how one becomes the one that “got away” and the truth that it was because the other person let me go.
What are your hobbies?
I’ve gotten really into ceramics this past year and have really fallen in love with it. It’s become such a great creative outlet for me when I need to breathe. Besides that, I love to travel, read and spend time with the people I love.
What do you do aside from this profession?
When I’m not doing music, I spend my time making pottery, reading, travelling and spending time with friends.
What is one message you would give to your fans?
You are loved. You are seen. You are understood. You are not alone. Oh, and sensitivity is your superpower.